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  More Best Porn Sites: Porn A B C

Best porn sites

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Yesterday someone asked me if a porn site was safe to join. I’m not surprised by the question. There are indeed so many bad sites out there, even someone with a lot of experience has to look carefully. Some just have bad quality, short, old videos, or tons of popups. Then there are those that have good stuff, but not good enough at the price point.

Now if you’re just looking for a quick video, Bing’s video search is actually pretty good and certainly safe.

However if you’re looking for a complete guide to the world of HD porn sites, the actual SOURCE that the vids come from, there are better resources.

I personally like x3guide, which is a complete porn site database, kind of like an IMDB for porn sites. They have things like a list of the best porn sites, and the new porn sites list for instance.

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