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Natalie Banus on a sunny beach

Posted in Natalie Banus | 140,467 views

Natalie Banus’ big breasts shimmer in the sun and she bounces on the breezy beach 😛 . See more of Natalie Banus at Domai (alias is Natalie Jay).

7 Responses:
  1. So Sweet so sexy my dear natalie ,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I love you

  2. Have always fancied Natalie since I first saw her in ‘Mayfair’ magazine when it was run properly (not like now under Paul Raymond and his clan). Seeing her pictures makes me wish I was stranded on a desert island with her.

  3. wow what a babe amazing figure………

  4. She’s a lady/very beautiful.

  5. are so beautiful

  6. Obvious implants. You can practically see the capsule.

  7. Natalie Banus is so sexy #Egy

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