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Milena D with her best friend

Posted in Milena D | 174,595 views

Milena D and her no less sexy brunette girl-friend (Agni A). Girls mainly pose together naked.
Pictures from: Met Art

3 Responses:
  1. Milena: I dream of you day and night for as a successful businessman living in New York City, I have viewed thousands and thousands of naked women in this industry but your pussy hair, your cunt, your anus, your tits, your ass, your face, your hair, your arms, your legs are all far far more beautiful than any other woman in the entire world. You are my absolute idol and model of beauty, charm, sexuality (I know that you have done a lot of fucking)femininity, sensuality, desireability and so forth. I would do anything to meet you and get to know you and to pleasure you and please you and enrich you and belong to you for the rest of my life. I worship the ground that you walk on and I have never sent a letter like this to anyone in this industry before. Just tell me what would please you and what you if anything seek, and I will crawl to you and give my life to you.

  2. jack you need help….what will you do with her when she gets old??

  3. I would like to be Milena’s best friend.

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