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Gigi Rivera the gym girl

Posted in Gigi Rivera | 85,240 views

Gigi Rivera is a gym instructor, but as she is very open minded she agreed to show what she can do on Karup’s Hometown Amateurs This little sex toy is very flexible and knows how to work up a sweat!

5 Responses:
  1. oooooooooooooooo

  2. Yes Gigi Rivera would be the ideal fitness instructor. She is a superbabe with bubbly personality, a little trooper, so hard working, so beautiful sooooo exxxttrreemely suppeerrrr sexy and sssssoooooooo eexxttrrremmmely fit.
    If she ever did take up work as a gym instructor, the applications for membership would soar. Gigi would be devoted to her job so committed… to the extent that when she gets hot, she has no problem getting naked.
    Now that is a professional gymnast..
    Any members who would fall behind I sense Gigi would help them out and put in an reward scheme that would help “up” their performance…
    Perfect Gigi …Pure Erotic Perfection 10 out of ten from me…

  3. Damn, what a cutie pie..

  4. she is perfect

  5. soo sexy and soo hote. i love u gigi

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